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CaCO3 to “Bello dell’Italia”

Corriere della Sera Festival | 4th Edition


Tuesday 22 October from 18:00 to 20:00

Sala Muratori of the Biblioteca Classense
Via Alfredo Baccarini, 3 – Ravenna

The fourth edition of Bello dell’Italia, the Corriere della Sera Festival, dedicated to artistic and cultural heritage, arrives in Ravenna, in October 22nd from 6pm to 8pm, atthe Sala Muratori of the Classense Library, in Via Alfredo Baccarini 3. Two hours of meetings, talks, performancesand theatre presenting a story of the city through art, music, technology , science and economy, with free admission, subject to availability (please confirm your presence at ravenna Curated by Roberta Scorranese, a journalist of the Corriere della Sera, the Ravenna edition is is entitled Onde di luce (waves of light)as all the moments of the evening have a common thread and are inspired by energy, brightness (like that one of the city’s UNESCO heritage, mosaics,) and the strength of the sea.

In addition to the greetings of the mayor Michele De Pascale, the evening includes musical moments with the electric cello of Jenny Burnazzi, a Dante’s reading curated by the director Marco Martinelli, a dialogue between the great artist Nanda Vigo and four young creatives, Silvia Naddeo graduate of the Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna, and Âniko Ferreira da Silva, Giuseppe Donnaloia and Pavlos Mavromatidis, members of the CaCO3 artistic group, graduates of the School of Restoration of the Mosaics in Ravenna. Then it will give space to science, with Alberto Manzati, manager of the Central-Northern District of Eni and Michele Troni, director of Waste and Water Management of Syndial (Eni). Together with the editor in chief of the Corriere della Sera Stefano Agnoli, two interesting themes such as the energy obtained from the waves and the redevelopment of the Ponticelle area, will be tackled. The “amphibious” nature of Ravenna, between land and sea, will be at the center of the intervention of the historian and geographer Egidio Ivetic, while three young creative entrepreneurs,Simone D’Acunto of Cestha, Leonardo Dal Zovo and Angela Corbari of Studiomapp will have brief speeches on stage. Literature, with the writer Matteo Cavezzali and Stefano Bon but also art themes by Maurizio Tarantino, director of the Mar Museum and of the Classense Library.

The Grand finale of the night is a lectio magistralis by the philosopher of science Telmo Pievani, who will be mixing art, evolution and energy. A special cocktail reception will be offered among the works of art made in mosaic exhibited in an adjoining room. More information on the website

Il Bello of Italy is a Corriere della Sera project; main partner: Eni; partner: Atlantia; under the patronage of the Municipality of Ravenna.

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